Another Spring

Department of Publications

Book Reviews

Title of the Book : Another Spring
Author, Prep., Trans., etc. : Elisabeth HAUER; Rezan KIZILTAN
Type : Literature
Printing: 1st Edition
Printing Year : 1999
Subject No. : 833.914
Number of Pages: XIII, 279 pages
Size : 20 cm
Publication No. : 2293
Name of Series : World Literature Series
Series No. : 29
ISBN : 975-17-2265-9
Number of Printed Copies: 3000
Price : 1.300.000.- TL

Content: This book by Elisabeth HAUER, one of the writers of Modern Austrian Literature, tells the Turkish reader of two psychological stories which differ from each other in subjects and levels of explanation. Like in her plays in her novels as well Hauer has told of the impacts of war on human psychology and on our destinies in a poem like way.