Researcher and writer (b. 1950, Mardin). He attended Mardin Cumhuriyet Primary School (1962) Mardin İmam Hatip High School (1969), and graduated from İstanbul Higher Islamic Institute (1973) and İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature (1975). He worked as a civil servant at the Directorate of Religious Affairs (1973-75), as a teacher in secondary schools (1976-77), as teacher at Konya Higher Islamic Institute (assistant, 1977-78) and as a teacher at İstanbul University, Faculty of Literature from after (doctor in 1983, assistant professor in 1987, associate professor in 1988 and then professor).

He published his articles in the reviews and newspapers such as Yeni Haber (Mardin, 1967), Düşünce, Şûra, Tevhid, Hicret, İslâm, Mekteb, Millî Gazete (1985) and Belleten. He worked as the general coordinator of Şamil Ansiklopedisi (Şamil Encyclopedia, 1988). He has also served on the editorial board of TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi (the Turkish Foundation of Religious Affairs’ Islamic Encyclopedia).


STUDY-RESEARCH: İslâmî Devlet Düzeni (Islamic State Organization, research, 1978), Hz. Ömer bin Abdülaziz (biography, 1984), Kur'an-ı Kerim Meali (Interpretation of the Holy Koran, with Beşir Eryarsoy, 1987), Hz. Ebubekir Devri İslâm Tarihi (History of Islam in the time of Esteemed Ebubekir, 1998).

In addition he has translated from Arabic.