ALPER, Yusuf

Poet (10 March 1956, Ardı / Horasan / Erzurum). He attended the Erzurum High School (1972) and graduated from Hacettepe University, Faculty of Medicine (1979). He worked as a doctor at Bayındır State Hospital (1971-81) then after he worked as a psychiatry assistant at Ege University (1985-87) and completed his compulsory service at Muğla State Hospital. He continued his career at Ege University where he has worked since 1989 serving as an academician (Prof. Dr.) at the Faculty of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry. He is a member of the Turkish Authors Association and the Psychiatric Association of Türkiye.

His first poem was published in the review Ilgaz in 1975 and his other poems have been published in reviews such as Ilgaz, Ankara Sanat, Türk Dili, Türkiye Yazıları, Yusufçuk, Sesimiz, Oluşum, Somut, Dönemeç, Varlık, Yeni Düşün, Broy, Yeni Biçem, Kedi, İnsan, Şiir Ülkesi, Şiir-lik, Dize, Yeni Sanat, Sözcükler, Ayrım, Körfez, Çağdaş Türk Dili, Düşler, Yamaç, Ortaklaşa, Yazko-Edebiyat, Yeni Düşün, Yeni Yaprak, Şairin Atölyesi, Yaklaşım, Poetik’us, Pencere, Düşlem, E, Edebiyat ve Eleştiri, Kül, Kum, Eski, Agora, Yasakmeyve, Ünlem and Lacivert. With an authentic lyric expression, he has written about despair, inner problems and the conflicts of a human who is a social being but does not communicate enough and humans affected by social disputes and oppression. He supports that a poem is written with images, and images are formed by words, therefore it would always be meaningful even if the poem were based on association. Alper has also written on poetry issues, the formation process of poetry, the creative artist psychodynamic, the creation process and creative personality. He won the Orhon Murat Arıburnu Awards-Sabahattin Kudret Aksal Poetry Special Award in 1999 with his book Şimdi Hangi Irmakta (In Which River Now?)

WORKS (Poetry):

Kanayan Şiirler (Bleeding Poems, 1985), Zamanın Kırılan Aynasında (On the Broken Mirror of Time, 1989), Yaldızlı Bir Yanılsama (A Gilded Illusion, 1994), Yeryüzüne Vuran Telaş (Anxiety Hits the Earth, 1995), Şimdi Hangi Irmakta (In Which River Now?, 1998), Dalgaların Sesiyle (With the Sound of Waves, 2001).

ESSAY-RESEARCH: Herkes İçin Psikiyatri (Psychiatry for Everyone, 1997, collaborative work), Depresyon Psikoterapisi (Depression Psychotherapy, 1997), Bütün Yönleriyle Depresyon (All Aspects of Depression, 1999), Şiir ve Psikiyatri Kavşağında (At the Juncture of Poetry and Psychiatry, 2001), Psikanaliz ve Aşk (Psychoanalysis and Love, 2003), Şair Her Zaman (Always a Poet, 2005), Psikolojik-Psikodinamik Açıdan Nâzım Hikmet Şiiri (Poetry of Nâzım Hikmet from a Psychological and Psychodynamic Perspective, 2005).