AYDIN, Mehmet S.

Philosopher and statesman (b. 1943, Elazığ). He is a graduate of Ankara University, Faculty of Theology (1966). He was sent to the United Kingdom by the Ministry of National Education to make doctorate studies on philosophy. He completed his studies at Edinburgh University and returned home in 1972. He began to work as an assistant at Atatürk University, Faculty of Islamic Sciences. Following the military service, he was appointed to Ankara University, Faculty of Theology and in 1978; he became an associate professor of Systematical Philosophy and Logic. He also gave lectures at Ankara University, Faculty of Language, History and Geography and at Middle East Technical University, Department of Philosophy. In 1984, he was appointed as a professor to Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Theology. He was elected as a Justice and Development Party deputy from İzmir at the general elections on 3 November 2003 and served as the Minister of the State at the government of Abdullah Gül and Recep Tayip Erdoğan.

He has published many articles on religion and philosophy in Turkish, English, Arabian and Dutch. He served as the member of the editorial board of several academic institutions and reviews at home and abroad.


Kant ve Çağdaş İngiliz Felsefesinde Tanrı Ahlâk İlişkisi (Kant and the Relation of God and Morals in Contemporary English Philosophy, 1978), Turkish Contribution to Philosophy (1985), Din Felsefesi (Philosophy Religion, 1996), Din Kültürü ve Ahlâk Bilgisi (Religious Culture and Knowledge of Morals, 1996), Islam and Dialog (A Collecition of Papers Read in Different Institutions in Holland, 1996), Mehmet Aydın’la İçe Kritik Bakış (A Criticial Insight with Mehmet Aydın, edited by Mehmet Gündem, 1999), Müslümanların Hristiyanlara Karşı Yazdığı Reddiyeler ve Tartışma Konuları (The Renunciations of Muslims against the Christians and Issues of Debate, 1999), Alemden Allah’a (From the World to God, 2000), Kur’an’ın Ana Konuları (Main Themes in the Holy Koran, 2000), İslamın Evrenselliği (Universality of Islam, 2000), İslam Felsefesi Yazıları (Articles on Islamic Philosophy, 2000), Niçin? (Why?, 2002), Küreselleşme: Siyasi, Ekonomik ve Kültürel Boyutlarıyla (Globalization with Political, Economical and Cultural Aspects, in collaboration with M. Armağan, S. H. Bolay and M. Altan, 2002).